Thursday, January 20, 2011

We are the world

To Corporations big and small
Politicians one and all
Islands, continents and states
I see all... your villainous traits

your country may be large or strong
with puffed out chests you sing your song
show off your might, stand straight and tall
but know... pride comes before a fall

governments with their legislation...
coveting your neighbours nation
your pettiness is sad and cruel
you think the world is yours you fool

this beautiful planet belongs to me
and has done since its infancy
If you are me and we are one
the earth belongs to all or none

In my world... borders don't exist
you don't need to be an activist
No fighting rules that don't make sense
Unite as one, don't build a fence

No killing, wars, death or slaughter
food for all and sweet clean water
If people say that I am weak
know, all is inherited by the meek

© Ollie Jezierski (19.1.11)

We only have one earth treat it gently.

I pray for a world at peace where everyone loves their neighbour as themselves.

We are all the same, everyone, everywhere. We are one. <3

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