Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Journey through life - find your inner child

I've been trying to play more lately, be silly, laugh. Finding my inner child.
When Chloe, my 6 year old step daughter is here on the weekends she insists on playing, Barbies, dancing, dress up, makeovers (I usually end up looking like a clown when she gets the make up out). I get to play all kinds of silly games, act like a child. Isn't it strange how we're allowed to lose our inhibitions when we have children with us.
Let's decide to play, we don't need children to teach us, the memory is there.
Ollie xxx

As we journey through life,
we learn how to run.
Climb trees, splash in puddles,
Play in sand and have fun

The world is our play ground,
oft times, we forget.
As age creeps upon us,
we’re caught up in the net.

Struggling and juggling
Rob Peter, pay Paul
Too busy for laughter,
caught up in it all.

Stop, just a moment
Find your child within.
Break free of the shackles
allow your life, to begin.

© Ollie Jezierski

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