Saturday, February 12, 2011

You'll never walk alone

A message to all who read these words

Know that you're loved, every minute of every day.

If you need a hand to hold...feel my fingers they're clasped in yours.
If you need a shoulder to cry on, I have two and they are always there for you.
If you need a Mother, a sister, a friend I can be all those things to you.
If you need to talk, my ears are listening, my heart is open.
I walk beside you, you're never alone.
There is no separation, your pain is mine, as mine is yours.
We are many but we are one... connected always by the light in our hearts.
The journey we walk can be a difficult one...stay in your heart and connect to all that is.
I love you each and every one.

(Mother, Sister, Friend) Ollie xxx

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