Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Something wonderful… is happening

I can sense it all around us
it’s streaming through the air
An energy explosion
I can feel it everywhere
A wave of love and kindness
and a heart that’s overflowing
this wave of light runs through us
and with it …we are growing
I’m standing tall
I’m standing proud
I’m not afraid
To shout out loud
To tell the world for all to see
Something … really wonderful
is happening… to me.
© Ollie Jezierski 8/9/2010

I remember many years ago writing an assignment on “The poverty line” and what it means. Learning about how in western culture not having a television because of lack of money etc… you would be considered as being below that line.
These days it’s probably if you don’t have a television, computer, dvd player and satellite box in every room. Our lecturer told us that it was just based on whatever was accepted as being the norm… for most families.
In other cultures it’s very different… or is it?
Perhaps if we went back to the stone age we would find similar comparisons.

Do we really need all the things we have? Imagine a world without these things… Ouch! For a start people would probably communicate more… TALK to each other even.
We have so many things to be grateful for but usually we just want more... more and more. Keeping up with the neighbours can be costly.

People all around the world are opening their eyes “waking up” seeing how beautiful things are when you stop living in the world of duality… dreaming and thinking their new reality into being...
Open your heart, let the light in. Always see the world you want, as you want it to be.
Fight for it…make it happen. People live such complicated lives, we don’t have to, it is “self inflicted.”
Try to be happy with what you “have” and give thanks for it…
I might not have a fraction of what some people have and I may have so much more than others. The sunshine and flowers, the beach, the sea, rivers lakes and mountains… these belong to all… we are all so rich.
Life is what you make it… I thank all the people in mine, past and present for helping me to be who I am.


  1. Ollie, what a lovely poem. You write beautifully. So very uplifting. Linda

  2. Thank you Linda... love you <3
