Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Count your blessings

I hate that bushy tree …blocking out the sun
I’d look out of the window …but that’s no fun

Just a heap of leaves… nothing to see
A wall of leafy green… staring back at me

Horrid little tree… darkening this room
Sad, bad little tree… filling me with gloom

But look is that some buds and a sprig of something white
Oh! look a little bee…. Buzzing with delight

A pretty coloured bird… singing sweet as a canary
standing on the top… looking like a Christmas fairy

When the summer sun is harsh and shining down with vigour
That tree is my salvation … and I wish that it were bigger.

Sometimes we are blinded …stuck in our old ways
Turn “negative” to “positive” and… “bad” to “happy” days.
Ollie Jezierski

Thinking negatively about everything can be soul destroying. I try to have a positive view about things that happen. Pick myself up from the floor brush off the dust and think that things could always be worse.
Always look for the silver lining, it's there, somewhere.

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