Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The love of my life

I haven't always appreciated what we share. I should have more gratitude and show you more often what you mean to me. After watching a video today that my dear friend Karina shared ... I wrote a poem for you, I hope you like it.

Here's the link, to the video, be warned it's beautiful and may make you cry.

I am no Wordsworth I know but I would like to share my poetic ramblings.

My poem............

Eternal love

Your beauty bared for all to see
unique in creativity.
All I ever want or need
given freely without greed.
Nothing asked for in return
you give and give, you never learn

There never was a love as true
as this love I give to you.
Your majesty amazes me
and will for all eternity.
Humbled in your presence dear
I feel your grace, It’s crystal clear

As you were raped, I watched with sorrow
Thinking I would help… tomorrow
As your life blood slowly drained
I knew that my hands too… were stained
Stripped of life a barren scape
Feign innocence and blame ‘red tape.’

I’m not to blame it just can’t be?
Can I help my lethargy?
My love… you will again stand tall.
We have heard your clarion call
The pen is mighty so I hear,
Bureaucracy  shall quake in fear..... Ollie Jezierski

From one small spark a fire can ignite
From one small droplet a river can run wild
From one small voice the earth can be saved
Oneness and unity… lets become a raging river.

Thank you for reading  <3

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