This question is one asked many times. My answer is YES...absolutely. I don't know what/ who God is but I feel there is definitely something beautifully divine amongst and within us during and after our lifetime on the earth.
My personal feelings are that God is in all things, 'God is everywhere... God is everything.'
Do I think this divine presence would be happy with how we've conducted ourselves? No, not in the least ... If I was the creator I certainly wouldn't be happy with how humanity has abused each other, the earth, the creatures of the earth.
Religion... well I believe there is one God...all people have the same God, this is my belief.
Whether we call this divine presence God, Allah, Elohim or by any other name there can only be one.
In my opinion God has created some wonderful loving beings on the earth to give us light, to show the way.
Why wouldn't God create as many of these enlightened beings around the globe as he thought mankind needed, at different times? Surely having only one wouldn't get the message spread far and wide. The message is just... care for all things, love all things. Easy?
So... then we throw mankind into this mix...and of course we have to make things complicated. Instead of just heeding the message 'Love one another' or in simpler terms 'For God's sake behave yourselves kids, play nice.'
Man has to start arguing... 'So and so is the best, he's the Son of God,'.... 'No No he's just a prophet, ours is the real one.'
So we get down to....I know what ...let's start hating each other because we believe differently.
Not happy with arguing between religions who has the REAL messiah, prophet etc... and whose way is right or wrong, we then throw in all the 'I don't quite like this way of doing things so I'll throw a hissy fit and make a new religion with slightly differing beliefs.
We then end up with... (I can't begin to count how many offshoots of even the same religion) many many different beliefs within the same religion.
Not happy that someone may think differently... people of the same religion then argue amongst themselves. 'We're right.... our way is best, Ner Ner.'
Lets all argue and we could start to kill each other to show who's right. 'Yes' good idea. (Bang bang).
I stopped believing in any 'Right' Religion as such, a long time ago. It is my belief that God just wants us to take care of each other... God doesn't want us to argue, fight and hate. God sent us some wonderful people to educate us, to teach us about love. It doesn't matter which part of the world these wonderful light filled people gave their teachings to.
When it comes down to it...we're all the same in Gods / Allahs eyes, we're all one...a wonderful mixed tribe of many different colours scattered around the world.
I don't think the 'divine' within us should be very proud of ourselves...well, ok we stuffed up a little (read as big time), lets pick ourselves up and start to radiate that love and light that is within us all.
I love you.
A little poem I wrote.... a way of venting my feelings on this subject.