Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Have you ever felt like you've been sleeping... asleep for a long time?

Me too.... I think I just yawned, stretched and woke up again.

Wake up and Love who you are

Sleeping, awake yet sleeping still
through a foggy haze of life, uphill
sleeping through the daily motions
stop thoughts of fun and other notions
get up get dressed, do daily chores
get ready for bed and check the doors
Don't have the will to wake up yet?
the day is young, Sun, not yet set
say thank you to the grass, the trees
for gifting us the air we breathe
breathe the air, smell the earth
Wake up, it's time for your re-birth
© Ollie Jezierski

Riches galore - be thankful

Today I am thankful,
for all I have and own

if I want for no more
then I never can moan

never be wistful
lament, what I have not

because I already have
everything I've got.
© Ollie Jezierski